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Want to Turn Your Website Clicks into Customers?

Today’s Omnichannel retail customers leave behind large trails of digital foot prints when they engage in e-commerce interactions. These digital footprints or datalogs comprise of thousands, millions or even billions of hits to tell the story of views, add to carts, checkouts, likes and even bounces at every point in the shopping journey. analysis of this data allows retailers or online marketers better understand customers’ interactions with the brand and gain deeper business insights to optimize their business. These insights enable them to find, target or retain their ideal customers in a better way.

Clickstream Analytics can be used as a powerful tool to generate valuable business insights from the data logs collected from the online platforms. However, collecting, analyzing and churning out valuable insights from this data logs in an optimal time frame is quite challenging. The collected data logs in semi structured formats often introduces additional cost, complexity and delay in analytics generation.

Some of the currently available custom products can do Clickstream data Analytics. However the associated high costs, lack of scalability and storage optimization makes them unapproachable for organizations.

Is there any solution to address this challenge?

ClickAstra- The Clickstream Data Transformation and Analytics Solution

ClickAstra developed by Happiest Minds is a unique solution for analyzing clickstream data from websites. It transforms the semi structured clickstream data and ingests it to a Query-able Engine for generating actionable business intelligence.

The Hadoop based clickstream data transformation and analytics solution is certified by Hortonworks, a technology leader that focuses on the development and support of Apache Hadoop.


Why ClickAstra?

Clickstream data from a retailer’s website provides valuable information regarding online customer behavior and their shopping patterns. The capturing and analysis of this data using ClickAstra solution enables retailers to optimize their business with improved pricing strategies, better segmentation of customers and analysis of website performance, in a short time. The highlight of ClickAstra solution is that it drastically reduces the development cycle for clickstream data analytics from months to a few weeks. Valuable business insights from Clickstream data analytics also enable businesses to introduce a more effective and personalized offers, improve pricing strategy, categorize and target visitors and optimize the existing product web pages in a faster and much efficient way.

ClickAstra also assists in implementing Recommendation Engine, Visitor Segmentation, Cart Abandonment Analytics, the Path to Purchase Analysis, Fraud and Weblog Analytics etc. which will help retailers optimize the customer experience they deliver.

Features & Benefits

  • Efficient data preparation
  • Generic and ad hoc metrics generation
  • Historical data analysis
  • Efficient handlings of broken records and schema changes
  • Single solution with ETL and generic KPIs generation capabilities.
  • Supports multiple distributions of Hadoop
  • Better performance, scalability & storage optimization
  • More powerful and actionable business intelligence
  • Limited capital investment for implementation
  • Reduces development effort to a few weeks from several months
  • Cost efficient solution


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