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How to Increase Profitability by Offering Airline Ancillary Services on Packaged Bookings

The main objective of this document is to elucidate how to handle requests and booking of airline ancillary services with an eye to increasing...

Design & Implementation of DLP

Data is often stored, used, and exchanged inappropriately. It is exchanged inside and outside the organization with vendors, partners, end-users, consumers, etc. Data is stored in, and accessed from, databases, document repositories...

Microsoft New Model of DaaS – MMD(Microsoft Managed Desktop)

Microsoft has introduced the new concept of DaaS (Device as a Service) called Managed Desktop  (MMD), a cloud-based service that brings together Microsoft 365 Enterprise, Window DaaS, and Office 365 Enterprises with the feature of user device deployment, IT service…

Create Exceptional Customer Experiences with Artificial Intelligence

The explosion of data and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been a boon in understanding user behavior in the context of each individual’s journey.  The key is to leverage AI to deliver highly customized experiences across a user’s…

DevOps Management with GitHub

Since its inception in 2008, GitHub has continuously transformed the way people code, making it easier to collaborate and develop elegant, disparate solutions for the market...

Microsoft Azure Arc for Servers to Modernize IT Infrastructure

Over the last few years, the public cloud has evolved and matured to become the foundation of the modern IT infrastructure. Our industry started transitioning from...

A Guide For Developing Effective Test Automation Strategies & How To Avoid Pitfalls

Test automation is a "hot topic" for many project teams across software development projects. Test automation has great potential in achieving the...


Metaverse has become ae buzzword in the tech industry. Not a single day goes by without a mention of it in the media, especially around investments...

Hyperpersonalization Impact on Retail Consumers

Delivering experiences beyond expectations and improving customer satisfaction by one-on-one interaction is no more adequate...

Cloud Reshaping Banking

Cloud technology is no longer a new player in the market, but it’s a mature and integral part of the IT landscape and a key parameter in driving business growth...

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