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Virtualization has been defined as a game changing technology for a while. Earlier virtualization was considered useful only for testing and development but over Time it has started impacting the entire data-center ecosystem.
Implementing the right Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions are thus extremely important for an organization to manage authorization and privileges. IAM solutions if implemented effectively helps increase security, decreases investment in time and money, enhances worker productivity by automating…
As a consumer, each one of us is aware of the enabling power of technology in keeping us connected and mobile. Voice and video tools are a routine part of our everyday lives. Traditionally, the consumer marketplace has always been…
Access Governance is the process of monitoring and controlling who within your organization has access to what, when and how. However, this is easier defined than done. It is easy to confuse access governance with access management,when, in fact, the…
Vulnerabilities can be found at application layers and some of them may be severe enough and can lead to customer data disclosure or system compromise. To preserve a thick client, the IT department must maintain all systems for software deployment…
Internet of things is slowly making sure that anything that can be inter-connected is getting connected. Technology,these days, form the foundation of most business functions; multiple business functions getting integrated through network devices has resulted in a catch phrase ‘integrated…
The security strategy document defines and prioritizes information assurance and security initiatives that the organization must commence to enhance the protection of information and related technology.
The optimal way to address this requirement is to set up a Security Operations Center (SOC) that leverages all the security-related information generated within the enterprise to offer a centralized and holistic view of the security organization.
Artificial Intelligence is being used for optimization and Holonic Control by enabling human like properties with the Neuro-Fuzzy synergic system. To accelerate the business models and upsurge the industry verticals with Genetic algorithms, this whitepaper gives the citation screen of…
In the pre-digital transformation era, applications were created to address specific functional needs -mostly transaction driven requirements. This has limited their purpose to that particular need and resulted in the creation of silos. Apps were traditionally monoliths starting from the…