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Customer Responsibility for AWS VPN

The aim of the whitepaper is to bring customer responsibilities in one space while creating the VPN connection between AWS and the Customer Network. This document discusses the initiator of the VPN establishment, followed by a few Troubleshooting checks during any failure.

Smart Shelves for Retail: Redefine your In Store Experience

Digital Transformation is riding the next wave of innovation in the retail industry. E- retailers are enticing the shoppers with ‘anywhere any time’ shopping, faster delivery, personalized offers, easy returns etc. and it is a growing threat to the brick and mortar…

Automotive Safety – In-Vehicle Emergency Call System Leveraging IoT

This use case deals with providing an infrastructure and a corresponding process/infrastructure to auto call an emergency number in case of any untoward scenario or accident.

Goggles for Retail Banking: A Futuristic Thought Process

The banking sector is going through an evolutionary phase. Apart from the existing players including global banks, national banks and regional banks, several new players are entering into the banking landscape. The new non- traditional and disruptive entrants are offering improved customer…

Anomaly Detection Solutions for Increased Analytics Insights

Anomaly detection (or outlier detection) is a process of the identifying items, events or observations which do not conform to an expected pattern of data in a dataset. Generally, the data in a given data pool is related/correlated with each other…

Vega HTTP The High Performance Web Server

In this paper we present our lightweight, high-performance, low-latency web-server called VEGA-HTTP, its architecture and compare its performance with other existing popular open-source web-servers. Along with the existing platform we are also sharing things we have planned to develop in the future.

The Role of IoT in Providing Security Efficiency and Accessibility in Education

Education domain has always been reluctant in adopting technology in comparison to any other domains like Industrial Automation, Home Automation etc.

MQTT-SN Broker Based Protocols for IoT Sensor Networks

In the world of M2M and IoT protocols, there are many competing protocols vying for attention. These protocols are designed to be light-weight for the low power devices to take advantage of low bandwidth constraints of the M2M world. One…

Enabling Intelligent Public Transportation Using IOT

Transportation is the respiratory system of our economy as every day the world relies on a complex network of transportation system responsible for facilitating full range of human activities sustaining the civilization. According to a recent study US road traffic…

An Introduction to M2M IoT Protocols

In Machine to Machine and IoT, the interconnected devices are usually of short range low power wireless devices with their own predefined set of operations or purpose. Because of this, the protocols that are currently used on the internet cannot…

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