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Case Studies

Hardware SDDC Intel based Micro Server for Data centers

Intel based Micro-Server for Data centers

Cyber Intelligence Platform for the Identity Infrastructure & Solutions Company

How do you make meaning and understand any potential national threats out of social data?

Customer Experience Analytics Solution for Leading TEM

Built a dynamic Customer Experience Analytics dashboard for one of the world’s largest TEM with rich UI components

Content Monetization for A Niche Vendor-Agnostic Management Advisory Firm

Built a SaaS platform for disruptive content monetization, micro segmentation and content aggregation & brokering over secured multichannel delivery

Digital Assistant Solutions for India’s Leading Protection & Assistance Company

Enabled next generation self-assembling digital assistance solutions and platforms and made advanced end user analytics to suggest newer dimension & deeper insights to business.

SDN/NFV Transformation for a Leader in Packet Monitoring Solution

Develop solution which fits into Enterprise and Telco Cloud with SDN / NFV as key technology innovation.

ClickAstra Clickstream Data Transformation and Analytics Solution

Increased business growth with improved product recommendation using ClickAstra for US Retailer

Vulnerability Analysis for a Learning Management System

Vulnerability analysis for an Outcome Based Online Education Provider

Big Data Testing for a Learning Management System

33%  increase in the performance of a Learning Management System for a Leading Education Provider

End To End Regression Automation against an IOS Native App

End to End Regression Automation for a major Healthcare product on native app within seven days, without any detailed specifications

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