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Corporate Brochure



Beyond Likes & Clicks, Delivering Tangible Business Benefits with Social Technologies

Social media has created an irreversible shift in the way we connect and share in our personal lives and-increasingly-in business. To successfully exploit the true potential of the Social Web in today's "always connected" consumer enviroment, Marketing and Technology are…

Embedded Design Services

Happiest Minds Technologies offers a wide range of Embedded Design Services that would help transform an idea into a complete product...

Enabling Smooth IoT Business Transformation

The IoT & Analytics Platform (MIDAS) from Happiest Minds enables faster IoT business transformation by proving infrastructure building blocks for development of IoT solutions and extraction of actionable insights from IoT datasets.

Access Governance-as-a-Service

Enterprises across the world are trying to remain focused on core business while minimizing IT investments and overheads. For most of them, governance, risk and compliance initiatives need to be addressed efficiently and cost effectively.

ThreatVigil Cloud-based Penetration Testing Service

Over 80% of all Internet vulnerabilities are application related. Today commercially motivated or malicious hackers are crafting skillful attacks to penetrate unprotected sites for stealing information and destroying credibility.


Organizations, today have to demonstrate adherence to a series of standards or controls, while proving that the controls actually exist. However, this is an uphill climb as they face dual challenges -first being, determining the exact regulations that are required…

CyberVigil (SOC-as-a-Service)

Enterprises across the world are facing tremendous challenge to protect their business from the constantly increasing cyber threat landscape.

Secure Identity Bridge – From Happiest Minds & Gemalto

Today’s enterprise employees need access to multitude of different applications. From financial reporting software, to customer relationship management, to travel booking, the average employee will need to use at least five different resources

Mobilize your Insurance Sales Process from Lead to Policy

In the short term (next 2 to 3 years), insurers will find greater business impact with mobile investments that are targeted at agents/brokers and service supply partners. Not only will they satisfy partner technology demands but mobile use will reduce the…

Retail Brochure-Enriching Customer Experience

Retail continues to change at a dramatic pace due to evolving shopping habits. Modern day shoppers expect superior shopping experience in all channels, many retailers are finding it difficult to keep up with these expectations.

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