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In The News

  • BI Evolving to be More Personal, Social & Mobile
  • Happiest Minds bags nine clients in first five months
  • IT Inc taps EU market with local hiring
  • IT vet Soota bets big on emerging tech
  • It’s beyond Gender
  • IIM-B Article
  • “A case for happiness”
  • IT service firms must focus on knowledge sharing, says Ashok Soota
  • Economist Intelligence Unit – Winners don’t play dead, Doing more with less in an uncertain future
  • “Challenges faced by SMEs”

BI Evolving to be More Personal, Social & Mobile

The rise with mobile workers coupled with the emergence of technologies like cloud  and in-memory is changing the way BI is consumed and delivered.

Thursday, February 09, 2012   |  Source: Information Week

Happiest Minds bags nine clients in first five months

In just less than five months since its inception, Happiest Minds Technologies, Happiest Minds…

Monday, February 06, 2012   |  Source: Business Standard

IT Inc taps EU market with local hiring

As a six-month-old startup, Happiest Minds is seeing emerging opportunities in the areas of disruptive technologies such as.

Friday, February 03, 2012   |  Source: Deccan Herald

IT vet Soota bets big on emerging tech

IT industry veteran Ashok Soota on Tuesday said that his new venture, Happiest Minds, was focusing on…

Friday, February 03, 2012   |  Source: The Financial Express

It’s beyond Gender

The dawn of a new year marks a new set of challenges and opportunities for talent managers. Leveraging technology, empowering people embracing social media and diversity and inclusion are clear trends for the year ahead.

Thursday, February 02, 2012   |  Source: People Matters

IIM-B Article

Access to higher education and work places for persons with disablities.

Thursday, February 02, 2012   |  Source: IIM-B

“A case for happiness”

Compare these facts: According to a survey by global HR solutions provider Kenexa, Indian companies rank the highest in the world in terms of employee engagement. On the other hand, disengaged American employees cost the US economy $370bn every…

Wednesday, February 01, 2012   |  Source: The Smart Manager

IT service firms must focus on knowledge sharing, says Ashok Soota

Organisations which want to increase knowledge collaboration within the organisation and outside…

Wednesday, February 01, 2012   |  Source: The Hindu Business Line

Economist Intelligence Unit – Winners don’t play dead, Doing more with less in an uncertain future

Winners don’t play dead: Doing more with less in an uncertain future is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by AlixPartners. It explores ways in which companies are reshaping their business to succeed in the challenging environment…

Monday, January 30, 2012   |  Source: The Economist

“Challenges faced by SMEs”

A brief video on the path forward for SMEs in India.

Monday, January 02, 2012   |  Source:

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