In The News
Why Ashok Soota is happy again
Brian Pereira met Soota for an interview in InformationWeek magazine back in 2011, when the company was initiated. In just three years, the company has gone global and achieved a revenue run rate of $45 million. Brian recently caught up with Soota to talk about the milestones and achievements at Happiest Minds.
Friday, February 20, 2015 | Source:
Digital Transformation: Vision To Reality
Digital Transformation has the potential to change how organisations operate, consumers engage, and enterprises create value. From providing a spark of disruption for a limited set of industries in the past decade, it is now a force reckoned by all businesses. Digital Transformation represents, in entirety, a new way of retooling a business by focusing on three 3Rs – Reimagining Customer Experience, Re engineering Business Fluidity and Reducing Risk
Saturday, February 07, 2015 | Source:
Digital engagement needed to increase physical footfall in retail
The combination of social, mobility, analytics and cloud technologies over the past few years is fuelling what we call the digital age. Technology is no longer just an enabler for business, but is transforming the way it is done. The retail sector is a prime example with the advent of ‘digital retail’. Customer engagement has always been a key business need in retail. The digital age amplifies this business need and the voice of customers as they can now present their views on any brand easily on the social media, which can have a positive or negative impact.
Saturday, February 07, 2015 | Source:
12 Steps for Analyzing Unstructured Data
Increasing digitization and the proliferation of multichannel processes and transactions have resulted in a data deluge. Now organizations rely on unstructured data to make business decisions, such as determining customer sentiment, cooperating with discovery requirements and personalizing their products for customers.
Thursday, February 05, 2015 | Source: CIO INSIGHT
Exponential rise in internet penetration, changing work habits and demographic shifts have led to an increase in e-commerce transactions.
Thursday, February 05, 2015 | Source:
Exponential rise in internet penetration, changing work habits and demographic shifts have led to an increase in e-commerce transactions.
Thursday, February 05, 2015 | Source:
Exponential rise in internet penetration, changing work habits and demographic shifts have led to an increase in e-commerce transactions.
Thursday, February 05, 2015 | Source: OnLineAndYoU
Near Real Time Insights to Empower Your Front Line
Generating real time or near real time insights and enabling front line staff access actionable takeaways is a game changer.
Wednesday, February 04, 2015 | Source: DATAQUEST
Network World: Identity Vigil is product of the week(Ref: slide #14)
Monday, February 02, 2015 | Source: Network World
Managing Work- Life Balance: A Crisis is a Great Opportunity to Introduce Change
The key to happiness is a mindset of gratitude: being grateful for our lives, our good health, our teams who make us successful, our family etc. One way to bring balance is to re-energise yourself. Both high energy and happiness come from enjoying what you do. The key things to being happy are: Fulfilling my own potential, while helping others to fulfil theirs. Living my life true to myself rather than based on the expectations of others. And knowing I have choices, including the choice to choose happiness.
Sunday, January 04, 2015 | Source: The Times Of India