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In The News

  • Digital Disruptions: The 4, 7, 10 Effect
  • The IT Party is not Over: Shashi Kumar, CEO and MD, Happiest Minds
  • Data revolution: the gold rush of the 21st century
  • How to create a Wow! experience for retail customers
  • A.P. city can become next Bengaluru: Ashok Soota
  • People Centric and Pepped Up
  • 7 legacy deception techniques that still work today
  • If you’re happy and you show it … you could get a pay hike
  • Cyber Security: Are IT managers ready to tackle the issue?
  • It is time organizations start moving towards contextual enterprise mobility

Digital Disruptions: The 4, 7, 10 Effect

A picture speaks a thousand words and a movie perhaps speaks thousands of pictures. One basic requirement with photography (especially motion pictures) was that of a screen, to project the images (whether still or motion pictures). Similarly, the advent of television necessitated the requirement to build electronic displays for commercial use, which till then had been restricted to the realm of laboratories (anybody remember Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes)? The march of technology was relentless.

Thursday, August 27, 2015   |  Source: Digital Doughnut

The IT Party is not Over: Shashi Kumar, CEO and MD, Happiest Minds

Does automation endanger IT jobs? How will affect the ability of an IT firm to being competitive differentiation? And will automation change the way we evaluate IT workers? Shashi Kumar answers these questions and many more.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015   |  Source:

Data revolution: the gold rush of the 21st century

The 1800s were all about mining – gold, iron and other metals. The 1900s were all about drilling – oil, natural gas and shale oil. The 2000s are again going to be focused on mining, but of a different kind – data.

Friday, August 21, 2015   |  Source: Information Age

How to create a Wow! experience for retail customers

In the era of customer experience, a new paradigm of solution design is evolving. The sheer number of technologies, products and platforms is overwhelming and businesses and service providers are at a loss to judge what best works and fits a retail customers’ need – expresses Anitha Rajagopalan, Retail and Omnichannel Consultant, Happiest Minds.

Thursday, August 20, 2015   |  Source: CIOL

A.P. city can become next Bengaluru: Ashok Soota

Information Technology industry leader Ashok Soota feels Andhra Pradesh with its emphasis on creating entrepreneurial eco-system is better placed to host the next Bengaluru. Though Hyderabad is set to have a head start over other cities in AP, there sometimes is an advantage in starting from the scratch, he said in an interaction with The Hindu

Monday, August 17, 2015   |  Source: The Hindu

People Centric and Pepped Up

Sharon Andrew, Happiness Evangelist, says that the first step towards making employees happy, is to regard them as ‘People’ and not just as workers; in a conversation with the Indian Express.

Monday, August 17, 2015   |  Source: The New Indian Express, Edex

7 legacy deception techniques that still work today

As in war, so in cyber defense and attack: legacy deception techniques still in use. It’s just a chess match. Who can stay out infront: the IT department defending its network or the rogue bad guys trying to get in and steal information. Here we look back at the various techniques used by the “good guys”.

Monday, August 17, 2015   |  Source: CSO

If you’re happy and you show it … you could get a pay hike

People who spread positive vibes bring smiles around. It pays, too, if you are working at Happiest Minds. Mr. Ashok Soota, in a conversation Business Line, says the three-year-old firm will begin to assess its people on how good they are as, what he calls, Happiness Evangelists.

Friday, August 14, 2015   |  Source: The Hindu Business Line

Cyber Security: Are IT managers ready to tackle the issue?

The global security market is on an upward growth as worldwide spending on information security is expected to reach $76 billion by 2015. Vijay Bharti’s point of view on Cyber Security makes for an interesting read.

Thursday, August 06, 2015   |  Source: Infotech Lead.

It is time organizations start moving towards contextual enterprise mobility

Today, enterprise mobility is a given, with most organizations following a corporate-owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) or a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy or some sort of hybrid of both. Given the rapid evolution of mobile devices, apps, platforms and services, the functions of the IT department of most large organizations have expanded to include enterprise mobile app management (MAM). Gopala Seruku, Mobility Specialist, expresses his viewpoint on Contextual Enterprise Mobility through this article.

Thursday, August 06, 2015   |  Source: DataQuest

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