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In The News

  • A Company of ‘Happy’ Growth
  • Customer Centricity
  • Multi-channel Marketing
  • Our Investments Are Unparalleled For An Indian IT Services Startup: Ashok Soota
  • How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?
  • How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?
  • How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?
  • 5 Ways to Secure the Public Cloud

A Company of ‘Happy’ Growth

When it comes to technology, rarely do you see a septuagenarian thinking and working like a millennial. Unless, of course, it’s Ashok Soota, serial entrepreneur and presently, executive chairman and co-founder, Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015   |  Source: The New Indian Express

Customer Centricity

Happiest Minds built a gamification engine for a leading beverage and lifestyle based MNC to improve user engagement and gaining customer insights by leveraging gamification data.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015   |  Source: NASSCOM

Multi-channel Marketing

A leading international clothing company focusing primarily on sportswear and casual clothing for niche markets with annual turnover of 1 Bn USD needed a new business channel to open up brand discovery and connect with users through offers via geo-fence notifications and in-store notifications in real-time.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015   |  Source: NASSCOM

Our Investments Are Unparalleled For An Indian IT Services Startup: Ashok Soota

The next big idea in consumer technology will be Augmented Reality. Consumers will be able to interact with virtual objects and simulate experiences. The driving force behind Augmented Reality will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) which will also have a major influence in the enterprise space.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015   |  Source: Business World


Move over those boring inductions and strenuous team meetings, companies are now notching up the fun factor with gatherings over food

Friday, November 27, 2015   |  Source: Bangalore Mirror

How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?

The recent TalkTalk cyber-security breach has brought the issue of security firmly back into the public’s psyche and has put both government and organisations on high alert. It seems that regardless of your vertical market, be it finance, technology or banking, the threat of a cyber breach is pretty much imminent. Only today I read an article which outlined that Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system may be vulnerable to cyber-attack by a hostile state, according to former defence secretary Des Brown.

Friday, November 27, 2015   |  Source: GMS Business Communications

How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?

Happiest Minds UK discusses the new-age deception technologies UK businesses should adopt to bolster their cyber-security defences. The recent TalkTalk cyber-security breach has brought the issue of security firmly back into the public’s psyche and has put both government and organisations on high alert. It seems that regardless of your vertical market, be it finance, technology or banking, the threat of a cyber breach is pretty much imminent.

Friday, November 27, 2015   |  Source: Bdaily

How do you solve a problem like Cyber Security?

The recent TalkTalk cyber-security breach has brought the issue of security firmly back into the public’s psyche and has put both government and organisations on high alert. It seems that regardless of your vertical market, be it finance, technology or banking, the threat of a cyber breach is pretty much imminent.

Friday, November 27, 2015   |  Source: BM Magazine


The ‘Make In India’ of PM Narendra Modi is alright but it will be a lot better if ‘Design In India’ is also proceeding with it. First of all, the product should be designed as per Indian requirements and then ‘make in India’ should follow. China is manufacturing High Volume Low Price products, but its time is nearing the end. We must emphasize high-end merchandise. We are the leader in software in IT, we can beat China by combining hardware with software. Speaking about investment at Resurgent Rajasthan, he said that at present there is no plan. The use of IT is increasing, and for that we have to invent new devices. – Ashok Soota, Executive Chairman, Former President, CII, Happiest Mind Technology.

Friday, November 27, 2015   |  Source: Happiest Minds

5 Ways to Secure the Public Cloud

As cloud computing becomes more sophisticated and mainstream, the shift to the public cloud is gaining tremendous traction. With big-brand clouds (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft (Azure) fast evolving, more and more enterprises are moving away from private clouds.

Thursday, November 26, 2015   |  Source: IT TMCNET

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