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In The News

  • 5 Ways to Secure the Public Cloud
  • Is An OmniChannel Officer Inevitable?
  • Measuring ROI of retail analytics
  • IMS: Bridging the Gap between IT Goals and Business Needs
  • Infrastructure Transformation: What and Why?
  • Web Summit 2015: The 3-day Technology And Innovation Hotspot At Dublin
  • Web Summit 2015: The Tech World Musings from Dublin
  • Top tips on how to rethink your cyber security and avoid becoming the next TalkTalk
  • These are the 3 serious security threats businesses need to know about
  • Store as Fulfillment Center: Omnichannel and the Future of Retail

5 Ways to Secure the Public Cloud

As cloud computing becomes more sophisticated and mainstream, the shift to the public cloud is gaining tremendous traction. With big-brand clouds (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft (Azure) fast evolving, more and more enterprises are moving away from private clouds.

Thursday, November 26, 2015   |  Source: IT TMCNET

Is An OmniChannel Officer Inevitable?

The rapid advances in the technology landscape and proliferation of digital have taken customers beyond multi-channel to an Omnichannel retail experience. Global retailers that include the likes of Macy’s, Saks and Lowe’s have already moved in this direction enabling customers to shop anytime, anywhere and enjoy consistent and delightful experience.

Monday, November 23, 2015   |  Source: Digital Doughnut

Measuring ROI of retail analytics

Big Data, fast data and the data deluge are taking the world of digital businesses, especially the customer-focused ones, by storm. Retail is no exception as more and more customers leave digital footprints with every transaction, interaction and engagement at every retail touch-point — online, mobile, social channels, in-store and even contact centres.

Thursday, November 19, 2015   |  Source: The Hindu Business Line

IMS: Bridging the Gap between IT Goals and Business Needs

Traditionally, the IT function of an enterprise focussed on building and maintaining an IT infrastructure and expanded to keep pace with the market. Now, with most businesses adopting the Cloud and the immense remote IT possibilities it offers, TaaS (Technology as a Service) is threatening to make enterprise IT departments redundant.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015   |  Source: eGov Magazine

Infrastructure Transformation: What and Why?

IT adoption is a necessity, but it is a complicated process. Both assertions are equally correct. Prasenjit Saha, CEO, Infrastructure Management Services and Security Business, Happiest Minds Technologies, tries to give an insight into how IT applications and processes today form the foundation of any business, through Infrastructure Management Services (IMS)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015   |  Source: eGov Magazine

Web Summit 2015: The 3-day Technology And Innovation Hotspot At Dublin

The web summit 2015, the three- day, 21 summit, 1000+ speakers technology mega conference in Dublin, Ireland started with great enthusiasm and dynamics from the attendees from all over the world.

Monday, November 09, 2015   |  Source: Digital Doughnut

Web Summit 2015: The Tech World Musings from Dublin

Grown from the 400 attendees five years back to the current 42000 tech enthusiasts, the Web Summit 2015 delivered innovative ideas and fascinating thoughts to the tech world gathered at the bustling RDS venue, Dublin. The three- day long, 21 summit, 1000+ speakers technology mega conference in Dublin, Ireland started with great enthusiasm and dynamics from the attendees from all over the world. The annual networking event with world-class speakers and fascinating talks, workshops presented a great opportunity for all the attendees including me from Happiest Minds, to meet countless like-minded professionals and entrepreneurs at Dublin.

Monday, November 09, 2015   |  Source: NASSCOM Blogs

Top tips on how to rethink your cyber security and avoid becoming the next TalkTalk

Cybercrimes are not only occurring with mounting frequency in today’s wireless world, but they are also becoming increasingly sophisticated and widespread.

Thursday, November 05, 2015   |  Source: Information Age

These are the 3 serious security threats businesses need to know about

With a number of high-profile security breaches hitting headlines over the past year, what should businesses be looking out for? We spoke to Raghuram Gorur, program director at Happiest Minds, to find out what are considered the most serious threats to firms.

Thursday, November 05, 2015   |  Source: PCR Online

Store as Fulfillment Center: Omnichannel and the Future of Retail

Omnichannel has come of age for brick-and-mortar retailers.Traditional retailers have been on a slow yet steady adoption of digital technologies over the last two decades. First arrived e-commerce, which retailers took on as another channel for customer acquisition and sales. Coupled with this emerged online-only players opening up new avenues of fulfillment. Then came smartphones, setting a new paradigm of customer experiences.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015   |  Source: Data Informed

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