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In The News

  • How to smoothly glide from public to on-premise cloud services
  • Industry 4.0 and IoT
  • Arista’s IPO created millionaires in India
  • Industry 4.0 And IoT
  • The turnaround specialist
  • Digital tools can help retailers decode the customer behavior at their stores
  • Industry 4.0 and IoT
  • Happiest Minds Partner With Industrial Internet Consortium To Pave The Way For Industrial IoT
  • 5 Ways of Securing the Public Cloud
  • Digital Transformation In Retail

How to smoothly glide from public to on-premise cloud services

A brilliant business often starts with an entrepreneur dreaming up a fantastic business idea. Most entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journeys are often strapped for cash, and according to a recent study, 95% of seed-stage founders thought it would either remain the same or get harder to raise money. Even access to Angel funds at the very start (idea stage) is generally uncommon.

Friday, December 18, 2015   |  Source: Information Age

Industry 4.0 and IoT

Industry 4.0 has arrived. It has been an evolution over the years. Right from steam age (1.0) to electric age (2.0) to computer age (3.0) to the present (4.0). What really defines industrial 4.0 is the Internet of Things (IoT) and related services. The developing countries like India are set to gain from this as they are the greenfield for this revolution, whereas the existing industrial giants will be a little slower to adopt it due to existing investments.

Thursday, December 17, 2015   |  Source: Digital Doughnut

Arista’s IPO created millionaires in India

Jayshree Ullal led Arista Networks to a spectacular IPO on the New York Stock Exchange last year, and today the company’s market cap stands at $4.8 billion, one of the most valuable networking companies in Silicon Valley.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015   |  Source: The Times of India

Industry 4.0 And IoT

Industry 4.0 has arrived. It has been an evolution over the years. Right from steam age (1.0) to electric age (2.0) to computer age (3.0) to the present (4.0). What really defines industrial 4.0 is the Internet of Things (IoT) and related services. The developing countries like India are set to gain from this as they are the greenfield for this revolution, whereas the existing industrial giants will be a little slower to adopt it due to existing investments.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015   |  Source: NASSCOM Blogs

The turnaround specialist

Ashok Soota is a man who has been the flag bearer of the Indian IT industry, the one who knows how to turn things around and the one who never settles for less. Read on to find out why he doesn’t want to relax even at the age of 73.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015   |  Source: Entrepreneur

Digital tools can help retailers decode the customer behavior at their stores

In the retail world, a sale happens when a right consumer meets the right product at the right time. Theoretically it is the same anywhere, but in digital retail space, there are two key components of a sale conversion journey

Tuesday, December 15, 2015   |  Source: CIOL

Industry 4.0 and IoT

Industry 4.0 has arrived. It has been an evolution over the years. Right from steam age (1.0) to electric age (2.0) to computer age (3.0) to the present (4.0). What really defines industrial 4.0 is the Internet of Things (IoT) and related services. The developing countries like India are set to gain from this as they are the greenfield for this revolution, whereas the existing industrial giants will be a little slower to adopt it due to existing investments.

Monday, December 14, 2015   |  Source: Manufacturing Business Technology

Happiest Minds Partner With Industrial Internet Consortium To Pave The Way For Industrial IoT

In a recent public statement, the well-known product engineering and digital transformation service provider – Happiest Minds, announced that it had joined IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) to help in setting direction and architectural framework for the industrial IoT.

Saturday, December 12, 2015   |  Source: IOT League

5 Ways of Securing the Public Cloud

As cloud computing becomes more sophisticated and mainstream, the shift to the public cloud is gaining tremendous traction. With big-brand clouds (think – Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure) fast evolving, more and more enterprises are moving away from private clouds.

Thursday, December 10, 2015   |  Source: DQ India

Digital Transformation In Retail

Retail landscape is changing at a pace never imagined. It started with disruptive technologies paving the way for transformed experiences and customers leading the need for change.

Thursday, December 10, 2015   |  Source: Indian Retailer

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