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In The News

  • Defending Advanced Persistent Threats – Be Better Prepared to Face the Worst
  • Millennium Stars
  • What Can We Learn From Some of The Most Devastating Cyber-attacks?
  • What Can We Learn From Some of The Most Devastating Cyber Attacks?
  • Security Roundup: Why SMBs are Just as Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks as Large Organisations
  • Why You Should Prioritise Cyber Security Irrespective of Your Company’s size
  • Best security practices in IT infrastructure implementation
  • Best security practices in IT infrastructure implementation
  • Connect(ing) smiles to pulse
  • How To Approach Mobile App Development Efficiently?

Defending Advanced Persistent Threats – Be Better Prepared to Face the Worst

We often hear news about emerging cyber security threats and attacks impacting every industry. With advanced malwares, zero day exploits and persistent threats, cyber-attacks are now becoming very sophisticated in nature.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016   |  Source: Info Security Magazine

Millennium Stars

Millennials are taking the job market by storm, and companies are readying themselves to receive them

Sunday, May 01, 2016   |  Source: The Week

What Can We Learn From Some of The Most Devastating Cyber-attacks?

With this in mind, I thought it would be prudent to look into some of these cyber-attacks and see what we can learn from them to help cyber security services detect future attacks before they even happen.

Thursday, April 28, 2016   |  Source: IT Reseller

What Can We Learn From Some of The Most Devastating Cyber Attacks?

We’ve witnessed some of the largest cyber-attacks in history. Some of these attacks have been very well publicised and are probably already familiar to you – Target,

Thursday, April 28, 2016   |  Source: Digitalisation World

Security Roundup: Why SMBs are Just as Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks as Large Organisations

This week we take a look at why you should prioritise cyber security regardless of your company’s size, a recent Facebook vulnerability, and more.

Thursday, April 28, 2016   |  Source: PCR-Online

Why You Should Prioritise Cyber Security Irrespective of Your Company’s size

Cyber security services are becoming much more cost-effective and therefore accessible to small businesses, with many beginning to realise that they can employ reputable security firms to handle their cyber security.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016   |  Source: Start Your Business Magazine

Best security practices in IT infrastructure implementation

How do enterprises ensure security control over cloud data —its collection, storage, access, usage, transfer, and disposal?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016   |  Source:

Best security practices in IT infrastructure implementation

Tuesday, April 26, 2016   |  Source: Gizmodo

Connect(ing) smiles to pulse

Wednesday, April 20, 2016   |  Source: Business Today

How To Approach Mobile App Development Efficiently?

In this age of digital transformation using disruptive technologies, the approach to mobile app development is experiencing a sea of changes.

Monday, April 18, 2016   |  Source: Digital Doughnut

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