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Zero Trust Network


Zero-trust network is a security model that requires strict verification of identity for a person and device which has access to private resource networks. It limits access to the company’s sensitive data and strictly gives access to those who need it.

Proper verification is necessary to enter trust networks as traditional security, and infrastructure security services are becoming ineffective. Zero-trust network helps to defend against the modern cybercrimes. To protect the internet connection there are many security controls, but there are much more ways to do a successful cyber-attack. It can be done through VOIP systems, Wi-Fi, cloud, and WAN, among others, which are not inspected or controlled.

Zero Trust Network Model

Zero Trust Network Model

In this Zero-trust network model, the attackers can’t escape without being recognized. The conventional security controls and data loss prevention tools are unable to catch wrongdoers who may have access to the networks with fake credentials. Because of the hike in the number of remote users and cloud services to host various applications services made it difficult for the organizations to construct a network perimeter.

The name self suggests that you can’t trust anyone in a Zero-trust network. The focus point is a zero-trust security network model to verify the user, validate the device and limit access privilege. The company must build new services to track the devices in the network, improved visibility over the applications, user authentication, and control policies. In the Zero-trust network, nobody can access the resources without verifying the trusted party.  The main aim of the Zero-trust network is to make a model in which verification is mandatory. It is essential to design security from the inside out because businesses must be concerned about the attack surface.

Zero-trust network architecture

 Zero-trust network architecture

In zero-trust architecture, the 1st point is to identify the protect surface wherein the protected surface is a combination of networks most critical and valuable data, in general, known as DAAS.

Once the protected surface is identified, then you can move toward the next step in determining how traffic moves across the organization. By understanding the user’s information, an application used, and the connectivity helps further to determine and enforce the policy with secure access to the data.

After knowing the interdependencies between the DAAS, infrastructure, services and users, then you need to apply controls in place to protect the surface and creating a micro perimeter around it. The micro perimeter can be created by deploying a segmentation gateway that allows traffic or legitimate applications to have access to protect the surface. This segmentation gateway provides small visibility into layers of inspection and access control with small layer seven policy that defines zero-trust policy based on what, when, where, why and how thus preventing access from unauthorized users.

Ways of creating a Zero-trust network

Ways of creating a Zero-trust network 

There is no Zero-trust product, and it is not a replacement for your existing technology. Instead, it is built upon your existing architecture. It is quite simple to deploy, implement and maintain using the below-mentioned methodology.

  • Keep the network security updated and periodically check their efficiencies.
  • Data flows through the entire organization must be monitored, and data flow networks must be improved.
  • Multi-factor authentication is necessary for every user and validates all the devices trying to access the network.
  • Improve the data transaction channel to check the usage of data and report for any fraud or abuse transactions.
  • Monitor and inspect all the traffic leaving the internal network and coming from an external network.


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