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What Are Wearables

What Are Wearables?

Wearables are electronic technology or devices incorporated into items that can be comfortably worn on a body. These wearable devices are used for tracking information on real time basis. They have motion sensors that take the snapshot of your day to day activity and sync them with mobile devices or laptop computers. After the invention of smartphones, wearable electronics are the next big innovation in the world of technology.

Even before the wearable technology entered the consumer market, these wearable devices were used in the field of military technology. In fact, these devices were an integral part of the medical and healthcare sector in the military forces. Devices like ‘Wearable Motherboards’ or ‘Smart Shirts’ used to monitor the health and wellbeing of the patients and send back information to the hub station in real time. Read More

types of Wearables devices

Different types of Wearables devices present in the market today!

  • Smart Watches: A watch that does more than just telling time. It provides users notifications on their calls, messages, emails, social media updates, etc.
  • Fitness Tracker: Helps keep a track of the number of steps the user walks each day and continuously monitors the heart rate. Using this information, the devices is able to calculate and report accurate data on calorie burn and exercise done by the user.
  • Head Mounted Display: Takes you to a different world of virtual reality. It provides virtual information directly to your eyes.
  • Sports watches: The wearable devices is especially built for sports personnel who love running, cycling, swimming etc. These devices come with GPS tracker and records information on the user’s pace, heart rate etc.
  • Smart jewellery: Smartwatches are designed as jewelries specially targeting women. These jewelries notify the users of their text messages, calls or emails when their phone is out of reach.
  • Smart Clothing: The smart electronic devices are incorporated into the Wearable Clothing to give an interesting and fashionable look.
  • Implantable: These wearable electronics are surgically implanted under the skin. These are usually used for medical reasons like tracking contraception’s, insulin levels etc.

Key Challenges of Wearables

Key Challenges of Wearables:

The biggest challenge for the wearable industry is to get a sustainable customer engagement. Many wearable electronics are short lived because of its short term customer engagement. Bad quality, pain to sync with smartphones, poor battery life, uncomfortable and awful design, UX problems, are some of the functional reasons which put the user off the device. However, you might find wearable devices that are very strong functionally and physically and still bomb at the market simply because, they failed to create any meaningful impact on the users, their lives, habits or behaviors.

need for Wearables Technology

The need for Wearables Technology:

The Wearable technology aims to influence the fields of health and medicine, fitness, aging, disability, education, transportation, enterprise, finance, gaming, music, etc. The goal is to smoothly enter the daily lives of individuals and become a functional part of them.

The hands-free nature of the wearable computing devices makes it very useful for businesses. Tracking the emergency and rescue team becomes easy thus making the workplace more efficient and safe. Hands-free access to important data and information through smart glasses and smart watches helps researcher, engineers, and technicians to be more efficient at their work.

Key Challenges of Wearables

Key Challenges of Wearables:

With the wider use of wearable technology, enterprises see wearable computing as one of the biggest opportunity to drive efficiency and improve communication and workflow. Like mobile technology, wearable technology is looked upon as a disruption in the world of business, however, the growth and popularity of a technology always comes with concerns on the risk that it brings on data security and privacy. According to a report by Pricewaterhouse Cooper, 86% of users expresses concerns on the use of wearables and the risk of data security breach. Companies should have very strong policies and procedures in place before introducing wearable technology for the company usage.

Key Challenges of Wearables


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