GDPR is a regulation on the privacy of all individuals and data protection, which was implemented from May 25th, 2018, within the European Union. The GDPR primarily focuses on providing controls to the individuals over their data streamlining.
Happiest Minds prescriptive analytics refers to the advanced phase of business analytics which can be implemented across sectors, including IT, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, public sector, government, oil & gas, and telecommunications etc.
Self Service BI has been on the organizations ‘must have list’ for quite some time now. According to BI Trends Monitor 2018 by BARC, Self Service BI stands strong among other important trends in the BI Market
Machine Learning (ML) is a function of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that often uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to “learn” on its own and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
As technologies continue to shift shape and evolve to suit market needs, you might have noticed Mobile Edge Computing metamorphosing into Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) while still retaining its moniker.
Deep Learning is the present buzz in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. The excursion of AI that began in the 1950s with the stir of Neural Networks (thinking machines), progressing to Machine Learning in 1980s and Deep Learning after 2010s…
Hashgraph is a data information and consensus algorithm. It has two advanced unique features to carry out fast, accurate and secure transactions. Find out how it is different from Blockchain Technology.
Industry 4.0 is a recent technological advances where automation, data exchange, cyber-physical systems, Internet of things, cloud, Big Data and cognitive computing.....
Connected cars are an end-to-end solution to a better, efficient, fulfilling and secure driving experience, powered by an in-vehicle system connected to the Internet.