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Two Factor Authentication

The traditional mode of logging in to an account involves entering a username and password. This is referred to as single-factor authentication. Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is a verification process that adds another level of authentication by mandating the user…


Apache Lucene

Lucene is a high performance search technology which is available for free as open source from the Apache Software Foundation. Written in Java, Lucene is compatible with near about any application that requires full text search, especially when it comes…


Apache Solr

Solr is a code layer that covers Lucene which transforms it into a search platform for creating search applications. Solr features many capabilities that can spin a core search-capability into a fully fledged search applications. It lends users a chance…


Role Based Provisioning

Large organizations employ thousands of people with ever changing needs to access devices, applications and information. Most of the access requirements are driven by an individual's roles and responsibilities, which keep changing overtime due to promotions, shifts in geography and…



Apache Cassandra is a free, open source distributed storage system designed to manage extremely large sets of data spread across large clusters of commodity servers, while ensuring high availability without a single point of failure. Features like linear scalability make…



MongoDB is one of the most popular next-gen databases that gives you a hand to create apps right from the scratch, down to the tee. As an NOSQL database, MongoDB propels organizations to migrate faster than they conventionally could with…


Black Box Testing

Black-box Testing is a method of software testing that inspects the functionality and the non-functionality of an application without having to peer into its internal structure. Every level of Black-box testing, regardless of whether it is based on units, integrity…


White Box Testing

White-box Testing is a software solution assessment, which mostly deals with the software's internal infrastructure and coding. It emphasizes on enhancing security, regulating the flow of input & output through applications and improvising design & usability to a superior degree.…



The complexity of the enterprise business architecture has been growing exponentially on account of increasing globalization and adoption of borderless enterprise models. It has grown multi fold to include systems like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, routers and…

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