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Endless Aisle

Endless Aisle: An extension of your retail in-store shelf

Experimenting new ideas is key to become successful in the retail world. The traditional brick and mortar stores in retail are now treading the same path of their online counterparts by implementing endless aisle in their physical stores. Endless aisles are in-store kiosks which allow customers to browse and order products that are not available in the store. It is a new concept which provides the expected customer fulfillment for the retail consumers who prefers both online and offline shopping experiences. Endless Aisle represents an intelligent combination of online and offline stores to serve the retail customers in a better way. By accessing endless aisle, retail customers can make orders online and collect them from the physical stores. It will also enable customers to check in advance whether the product they are looking for is available in store before heading there for purchasing. The endless aisle will also help a customer who selected a product and fails in completing the transaction, thereby increasing the customer fulfillment aspect.

Relevance of Endless Aisle in Retail

Relevance of Endless Aisle in Retail

Even with the rise of the online retail revolution, many consumers prefer to go to a brick and mortar store and purchase products by touching, feeling and getting the support of a store associate. Endless Aisle represents a literal blend of the virtual technology into the physical stores to deliver an enhanced customer experience for the Gen Y customers. The key benefit of an endless aisle strategy is that the customers will get wider product selection, easy selection and faster services even without a sales associate’s help at the busiest time in a physical store. It avoids lost revenue due to the unavailability of a product that the customer is looking for. In fact, endless aisle strategy provides the opportunity for retailers to sell a product that is literally not available in their store. Endless aisle makes shopping more convenient for the customers at their own schedules making them more loyal and happy to your brand. Customers can receive shopping tips, personalized and customized offers with an endless aisle in brick and mortar stores. Retailers can plan the delivery schedule based on this and can get insights-data on customer shopping trends like frequency of shopping, their interests and preferences. Implementing the endless aisle strategy enables retailers in reducing the physical inventory and floor space while enhancing the product assortment and customer experience.

Key Benefits of Endless Aisle

Key Benefits of Endless Aisle

• Increased footfalls and sales conversions
• Reduction in sales loss
• Enhanced customer experience with wider choice and faster service
• Capture more customer insights-data
• Increased cross sell upsell opportunities
• Inventory expansion without increasing the floor space
• Enhanced sales assistance for store associates


Happiest Minds Endless Aisle Play: Omnichannel Smart Fulfillment Solutions

Omnichannel Smart Fulfillment Solutions with an efficient cloud based Distributed Order Management system helps retailers overcome infrastructure and inventory challenges. It connects mobile, online and store channels to aggregate orders from various supply chains and provides a single dashboard of information across the retail channels. Omni-channel Smart Fulfillment helps retailers in maintaining a- single dashboard view of inventory across all the channels, and provides the ability to auto route orders to distribution centers or stores depending on stock location, leverage stock inventory and manage online returns in-store. By implementing this endless aisle concept, we enable Flexible Fulfilment, Store as Fulfilment Centre, Return Anywhere and Distributed Order Management so retailers can meet customer needs in a faster and more efficient manner. Our smart technology easily integrates into existing commerce, ERP, POS and WNS systems. Click to know more Omnichannel Smart Fulfillment Solutions



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