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What is Customer Experience Management?

Customer experience is essentially a holistic aftermath of the relationship between a brand and its customer. Every department in an enterprise carries out interactions with their customers from its own perspective. Customer Experience Management is a process of viewing and improvising the interactions with customers from their perspective.

What’s the need of Customer Experience Management?

Consumer Experience Management is becoming increasingly imperative for enterprises today, making it the only thing standing to enhance competitive advantage. The need for Consumer Experience Management are twofold:

  • Create customer loyalty and hence, positive word of mouth
  • Reduce customer churn and decrease detractors who spread negative notions about the brand

Customer Experience Management Best Practices

Be all ears – Listening is the best way to generate feedback from consumers to understand the nature of their experience. Although it may not be the easiest task, listening is key because only then would you understand how to manage it.

Provide insights – Once the feedbacks are generated, it is important to disseminate it to the right people in the organization at the right time to convert them into actionable insights

Guide, empower and enable – Once the people responsible for delivering customer experience gets a proper understanding, they are to be guided to elevate that experience.

Benefits of Customer Experience Management

Attraction – Consumer Experience Management creates positive world of mouth for businesses that strengthens and spreads viral capabilities of social media, saving marketing budgets.

Engagement – A positive customer experience engages the consumers to the greatest extent, which means they would give more into the brand in a long run.

Conversion – The more degree of engagement, the more probability that prospects would be converted into potential brand evangelists.

Reduced costs – Customer feedbacks facilitate brands with a clear understanding of the customer behavior and an idea as to what appeals to them best. Prioritizing this would help brands cut costs in unnecessary marketing campaigns.

Loyalty – The brand loyalty invariably improves when customers begin to feel positive about their interactions.

Customer Experience Management Best Practices

Social media listening posts – It is vital to be on the lookout for what customers have to say about the brand. Keep a watch for brand names, misspellings, competitors keywords, how customers are verbing the products, public figures in your teams, etc.

Customer experience suggestion box – Let customers communicate and contribute about what they think about the brand through emails, drop box, comments and social media posts so the brand can better align itself.

Customer feedback mechanism – Nobody quite knows about how they feel about brands other than their own customers, so this makes their feedback the most important of them all. Generate feedback via surveys, phone calls, contact forms and websites.

Behavioral analytics – Monitor website clicks, search terms used, sales figures and metrics to understand the behavioral pattern of the customers at all times. This would help brands perform an ideal predictive analysis.

Customer relationship management – Enable a CRM architecture that is centralized and accessible for employees so they can nurture independent relationships and individual interactions with the customers, yet following an organizational strategy.

Customer Experience Management Portfolio


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