Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud


Pimcore Platform Spells Innovation for Your Business

How Pimcore Platform Spells Innovation for Your Business?

Data scattered across software and applications can negatively impact businesses in numerous ways. Having no single version of truth, incompatibility with other systems, misalignment among departments, and deteriorating customer engagement can all create significant challenges. Switching to Pimcore could be a viable alternative. The all-in-one platform can revolutionize data and experience management for any industry […]
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Retail Therapy Through Customer Experience Management

The retail landscape is changing. From the traditional brick and mortar shopping experience, we are now witnessing the online retail revolution powered by digital and disruptive technologies including mobile, IoT, and analytics. At the same time, the physical stores are getting transformed into customer experience centers too. The technology advancements are redefining the interaction between […]
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Why Does Omnichannel Experience Matter to Your Customers

The idea of gratifying customers in creative ways is not new. Brands have been doing it for ages, but what customers now expect is much more: an overall better experience. Customer experience  generally involves delivering value at their touch points when, where and how they need it. These days, a unified and consistent experience about […]
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Retail Trends

Retail Trends: What to Expect in 2016?

The retail industry is going through the digital transformation phase, thanks to the disruptive technologies and trends including social media, smart phones, tabs, IoT, data analytics and cloud for enabling the sea of changes. In 2015, the digital enablement initiatives have significantly changed the retail platform from back office operations to customer experience. From the […]
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Store as Fulfillment Center: Omnichannel and the Future of Retail

Omnichannel has come of age for brick-and-mortar retailers. Traditional retailers have been on a slow yet steady adoption of digital technologies over the last two decades. First arrived e-commerce, which retailers took on as another channel for customer acquisition and sales. Coupled with this emerged online-only players opening up new avenues of fulfillment. Then came […]
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Why Retailers Should Recruit a Chief Omnichannel Officer Now

Thanks to modern technology and digital tools, the opportunities to interact with and buy from a brand today are ubiquitous. Customers want to shop anytime, anywhere. Omnichannel rules, and smart retailers are getting on board. For the customer, the best of omnichannel creates a consistent and uniform experience across all touch-points — online, brick-and-mortar stores, […]
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Is An OmniChannel Officer Inevitable?

The rapid advances in the technology landscape and proliferation of digital have taken customers beyond multi-channel to an Omnichannel retail experience. Global retailers that include the likes of Macy’s, Saks and Lowe’s have already moved in this direction enabling customers to shop anytime, anywhere and enjoy consistent and delightful experience. Omnichannel retail aims at enabling […]
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Retailers Survey Report: The Perfect Storm Of Omnichannel Makes Landfall !

Omnichannel has come of age. Retailers are constantly challenged to ensure seamless and consistent customer experience across channels. Happiest Minds’ survey, targeted at executive leadership members of tier 1 and tier 2 US based retailers, aims to provide an insight in the maturity of today’s Omnichannel initiatives. The report covers the attributes that form the […]
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