Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

customer experience

Pimcore Platform Spells Innovation for Your Business

How Pimcore Platform Spells Innovation for Your Business?

Data scattered across software and applications can negatively impact businesses in numerous ways. Having no single version of truth, incompatibility with other systems, misalignment among departments, and deteriorating customer engagement can all create significant challenges. Switching to Pimcore could be a viable alternative. The all-in-one platform can revolutionize data and experience management for any industry […]
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The Mindful Customer Centric Organization

“A mindful company is the one that offers the individuals, an environment to live in the moment and perform with a purpose; its customer, a trustworthy partnership that understands priorities and concerns; and the community, contributions as an empathetic corporate citizen.” – Ashok Soota Mindfulness has moved from eastern spirituality or philosophy into an organizational […]
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Positioning for the Future: The New Digital Workplace

The rapid proliferation of smartphone, tablets and similar devices have changed how we manage our lives, both personally and professionally. Look around and you’ll see the devices that we’re using for our personal agendas are also widely used to get real-time insight driving business decisions. As the workplace becomes truly digital, employees today need such […]
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How Proximity Marketing is Transforming The Retail Customer Experience

The online obsessed, mobile- addicted millennials are slowly back to the retail in- store environments. In other words, physical stores which lost their charm in the convenience offered by e-commerce is regaining its lost strength and is back on track. The retail landscape is one of the most celebrated industry verticals which has witnessed a […]
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Retail Therapy Through Customer Experience Management

The retail landscape is changing. From the traditional brick and mortar shopping experience, we are now witnessing the online retail revolution powered by digital and disruptive technologies including mobile, IoT, and analytics. At the same time, the physical stores are getting transformed into customer experience centers too. The technology advancements are redefining the interaction between […]
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How to Address The Challenges With Chasing Overseas Buyers: A Retail Perspective

Expanding sales beyond the local borders and targeting an international audience offers a great opportunity for retailers. However, it is quite challenging to predict the user behavior when sales expand beyond local borders. Here are some of the major challenges in this space and the possible solutions to address them. Regional cultures, online purchasing patterns, […]
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How Does An Organization’s Customer-Oriented Culture Deeply Impact Customer Experience

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” Peter Drucker We all have heard of Customer related concepts such as customer service, awareness, and sensitivity. These concepts further evolved as businesses increasingly place customers at the center of their business. This […]
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What’s your view on Digital Transformation?

Many companies today are seeing that digital transformation can help them remain competitive and continue to create business value for their customers and themselves. Companies that are missing this opportunity risk losing their competitive position. And digital is not about technology anymore, it is about improving your customer’s experience and improving business efficiencies for your […]
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