The unprecedented and exponential spread of COVID-19 pandemic has surprised everyone and disrupted lives, the livelihood of communities and businesses worldwide. It has impacted all people both on the personal and professional fronts.
Organizations around the world are still struggling to implement business continuity options to minimize the impact on business, their employee’s health, and to continue serving their customers seamlessly.
Unlike many other organizations which are still struggling in the situation, Happiest Minds has been highly proactive in sensing the situation and had started putting up Business Continuity Plan (BCP) much ahead of the actual crisis came to India. Customers’ interest and employee health and safety were the top priorities towards drafting plans. Tremendous efforts were made to align with each customer based on their needs, and BCP plans were executed accordingly. A special task force was set up to monitor the COVID-19 situation on a daily basis to plan the best possible response.
Each employee was provided with adequate support and was well equipped to start Work from Home (WFH) while delivering the same level of productivity as a team. It is commendable that within a week, more than 99% of the employees were working from home without any business disruption.
Daily connects, meetings, common groups on different platforms have helped to induce close collaboration in teams. Together as a team, we have quickly adopted this new working culture and started being even more productive. We were able to start lots of new things; many more customer appreciations were received, and new projects are starting.
Apart from ensuring immediate Business Continuity and no Service disruption, Happiest Minds is also simultaneously putting up long term plans not only to effectively counter the negative impact of COVID-19 but also to identify new opportunities created by emerging conditions. These including skilling up the members, exploring new and innovative technologies and keeping a sharp eye on the new business models that may shape out.
Together as a team, we have done a great job in equipping ourselves by contributing in the best possible way in the worst of situations and emerge stronger and better.

is Associate Director, Digital Business Services at Happiest Minds. He is Delivery Leader with around 16 Years of experience in Software Industry.He has rich experience delivering projects in Digital Business Transformation, Product Information Management, Master Data Management, Digital Asset Management and Cloud Architecture. He has successfully managed projects including PIM, MDM and Digital Asset Management Solutions for Enterprises.