The world has changed. Shifted.
…Loss of normalcy.
…Fear of economic toll.
…Loss of connection.
…Loss of safety.
This is hitting us. Collectively.
With social distancing, we feel myriad emotions – deep loss, sadness, loneliness, and fear of the unknown.
Thanks to technology, we stay ‘virtually connected’ with colleagues, family and friends but how do we manage this scale of uncertainty.
The key in handling this is to keep moving forward through the various stages:
- Denial – “This virus won’t affect us.”
- Anger – “You’re making me stay home & taking away my activities.”
- Bargaining – “If I social distance for two weeks, everything will be better, right?”
- Sadness – “I don’t know when this will end.”
- Acceptance – “This is happening. I have to figure out how to proceed. I can wash my hands. I can keep a safe distance. I can learn how to work virtually.”
David Kessler suggests a 6th stage to navigate this – Finding Meaning – in the book with the same name.
- Be Balanced
- Find the balance in the things we think
- Stop imagining the worst
- Switch the worst image with a best image
- Be Mindful
- Come into the present
- Breathe
- Be Compassionate
- Everyone has different levels of fear & anxiety and it manifests in different ways
- Be understanding and patient.
- Be Grateful
- There is so much to be thankful for if only we list them down.
This is temporary. This too shall pass. We will overcome.
#staysafe #stayathome

is the Vice President & Happiness Evangelist at Happiest Minds Technologies. She believes that happiness enabling practices must be built on strong conceptual frameworks and that happiness and mindfulness enabling strategies must filter throughout the organization across its business operations.
She has been with Happiest Minds since its inception in Aug 2011. Prior to Happiest Minds, she has been with Corporate for 6 years and moved into Academics, where she has been a Professor for 10 years with Christ University Institute of Management and for 4 years with Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirapalli as Professor and PGP Chairperson.
Sharon has hosted and participated in various workshops and seminars throughout the country. She holds a PhD in the area of Servant-Leadership, an MPhil in Entrepreneurship and an MBA from Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirapalli.
Sharon’s interests are in mentoring, counselling and recently, painting.