What the world is talking!
End-user Experience Enhancement has been gaining ground for the past couple of years, redefining the nature of service industries to change forever. Remote Infrastructure Services as we know it, has gone through such an extent of evolution that traditional, reactive support models have become more or less extinct today. Customers have began looking at organizations as mere staff providers, failing to bring in value to user experience.
What has been propelling the success of end-user enhancement is the concept of anytime, anywhere device model. Thanks to this device model, OEM’s too are increasingly dedicating their focus on developing products and services frameworks that make the life of the end-users more productive and easy. What’s more, even varied functions like BYOD, Desktop as a Service and Mobility as a Service are considered as disruptive technologies today, mostly owing to how enhanced services are brought to the end-user, or in other words, the actual consumer.
End-user experience enhancement has received such a degree of acceptance and adoption rate that service centered conglomerates like Telco’s are increasingly focusing on VAS services, not primarily on their own enterprises, but along the lines of integrating their end devices used at their home making. Whether it’s home automation or remote controlling, this is done so as to keep their customers stay perpetually connected regardless of where they maybe.
Many Remote Infrastructure Service providers demonstrate their values and differentiators in the tools and other SLA metrics they offer. Service providers should begin focusing on the real end-user enhancement services, SLA metrics and price points. This would make them stand out as a distinctive entity in the market and gain competitive advantage and operational efficiency in its entirety.

Suresh Kanniappan, Heads the Global Practice for Unified Communications in Happiest Minds Technologies.
Suresh has about 17 plus years of IT experience and have performed various roles in solutions and platform development.
Some of the platforms he has developed on open source technologies are focused towards End user experience on unified communication