Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Wireless Mesh

REST API Auto TC Generator Framework

Introduction: – Today’s world is moving toward the API-based container application to support the agile development environment. The frequency of changes in requirements is bound to happen in every sprint, based on the customer feedback in the iterative model. Test automation is the only solution to keep up with the dynamic change in the development […]
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Navigating Financial Risk in IT Projects

Navigating Financial Risk in IT Projects

Organizations today are in the race to fast-track their digital transformation, and IT projects form the cornerstone of this ambitious journey. Still, many of them are struggling to navigate financial risks while building a digitally strong ecosystem. Though IT projects offer significant opportunities for growth and efficiency, they carry inherent financial risks like budget overruns, […]
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wireless mesh technology

Thread – A promising wireless mesh technology for the future!

Over the last decade or so, there has been a lot of interest in IoT technology and connecting devices to one another and to the internet. One of the key elements for ‘connecting’ various devices is wireless communication. There are several wireless interfaces such as Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, LoRa etc. that are prominently used […]
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