Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud


Enterprise Mobility Apps: Rethink Business processes, Realize true value

Doyou look at mobile devices as just another screen for information rendering?  Or do you look at them as a novel tool to transform the business to innovate new business scenarios?You know that your app is sitting in your customer’s pocket. What innovative things can you do beyond information rendering? As mobility is making inroads […]
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Innovation in Industry

Innovation in Industry – An IT Services Perspective – Part 1

The software industry can be broadly classified into two areas: software products and software services (or IT services, as the sector is also known). Innovation in the software product industry is well known and has followed the product innovation trends in other industry sectors, perhaps understandably so: since innovation and novelty determine not just growth […]
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Business Quotient of an IT Professional in the SMAC world

As we move towards Social-leveraged, Cloud-enabled, Analytics-powered and Mobility engaged Enterprises, how is the life changing for a technology professional?  The technology spend from Business people is increasing.  Whether you are an IT professional inside an enterprise as part of the CIO organization or as part of an IT services organization, the situation is the […]
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Leveraging Disruptive Technologies for Systematic Innovation

Innovation and Technology The one thing around us that is changing and evolving at a very rapid pace is technology. Over the last few years, disruptive technologies such as Big Data Analytics, Mobility, Cloud Computing, Social Computing and Next Generation BPM and Decision Platforms are acting as Digital Disruptors to trigger transformational initiatives in businesses […]
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Technical Debt in Software Development

Recently I was in  conversation with couple  of our customers  on the topic of  Agile Methodology and the concept of Technical debt in detail. I also happened to meet few project teams during my reviews where I see that the project milestones are missed due to technical debt.  I am sharing below my thoughts on […]
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Contained Databases

Technologies evolve over time based on insights and feedback during the course of its lifecycle. Most of the time, the biggest issue is building adaptive technology that is simple to use and provides business advantage. This is the same case in the matter of database technology with the last few years has been several revolutions […]
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