Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud


Zend and OSSCube…A Match Made In Heaven

Zend Technologies and OSSCube, A Division of Happiest Minds ; they share a unique kind of chemistry. Recently, Zend honored OSSCube, with the “Americas Premier Partner of the Year” Award. This award was presented at ZendCon on October 7th, 2013, and recognized OSSCube for its technical capabilities on Zend platform and proven track record of […]
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The Charm of Open Source in Cloud Computing

In the world of cloud computing, the role of open source technology is powerful and impactful. Whether your projects lie within the realm of a public, private, or hybrid cloud, there are free open source tools that can help you provide a complete solution or augment your existing one. Why is open source good for […]
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Considering the possible changes in business environment for Big Data adoption

The hype around big data is omnifarious. With its promise of unearthing new possibilities, big data is becoming an important part of organizations’ business strategy for optimizing their business processes, and accurate mapping of service needs. Its high volume, variety, and velocity have brought new opportunities for organizations to get deeper insights than ever before; […]
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open source

How To Select An Open Source Vendor?

Open source software has made inroads to most of the industry verticals, and enterprises are aggressively adopting it because of its flexibility, scalability, and significant cost saving capability. But these alone cannot be the deciding factors while deploying business-critical open source projects; instead measuring the expertise and track record of the vendor with a degree […]
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Why Choose PHP For Enterprise Web Development ?

PHP is an open source, server-side scripting language for building dynamic web applications. According to W3techs April 2011 report, PHP is used by 76.2% of all the websites whose server-side programming language is known. Today, PHP is the most popular dynamic language in use on the web, leaving behind ASP.NET and Java that have just […]
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