Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Social Computing


With Social Media Analytics, add fuel to travel!

Social media is abuzz with customers feeding information on travel. Whatever the form of travel – business, personal or pleasure – there is hardly a customer who doesn’t refer to social channels before deciding on their journey mode and format. But this is old news. Travel businesses have already made their presence felt on social […]
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Social Media Analytics for Retail – Are you there yet or not?

Let’s start by getting one thing straight – whether retailers talk on social media or not, consumers are. With 1317 million users on Facebook and 271 million active Twitter users as of Q2 2014, our premise is not debatable anymore. And retail is one industry that is comprehensive of all individuals in some way or […]
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7 Steps To Successful Social Experience Design

When the web started it was primarily about content-sharing: mostly text documents. It quickly evolved into commerce, which gave rise to the consumer Web and the dot-com boom in 1999—with flagship companies such as Amazon, eBay and Google leading the way. The concept of community and social interaction had started making its first appearance in […]
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Social Experience Design: A New Imperative

The Web, as we know it today, has undergone transformational shifts across multiple dimensions. Its been only 20 years since the very first website appeared however; we have seen the web grow from a purely static brochure-like experience to one with rich interactivity and functionality. This is the era of the Social Web which consists of complete […]
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Social Experience Design

Beyond the Like Button to Social Experience Design Most organizations understand the impact of social media and are diligently increasing their social presence and level of customer engagement across social networks. Additionally, all sorts of websites, not just the major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, are incorporating social features into their applications […]
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Gamification for HR Systems and Processes

Driving adoption of HR systems and processes is a challenge for most of the HR managers across the globe. Some of these challenges are as follows: How to drive adoption of HR system? How to encourage employees to engage with the HR system? How to encourage employees to follow HR processes? How to motivate employees […]
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