Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud


OSSCube Drupal/SugarCRM Integration module released

OSSCube is announcing OSSCube Drupal/SugarCRM Integration at DrupalCon in Portland, OR. Usually the most challenging and time-consuming step in integrating Drupal and SugarCRM is mapping the modules and related fields so that the integrated system works smoothly to improve customer experience and reduce operating cost. OSSCube Drupal/SugarCRM Integration can significantly simplify this task and help […]
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New Module Unraveled: Views Custom Conditions

We have just introduced another new module “Views Custom Conditions” that facilitates the site administrator to inject custom conditions into a views query. ‘Views’ is a powerful and highly flexible module that provides website builders with critical list making abilities. It generates a dynamic SQL query according to views construction for displaying data. So, to […]
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open source

How To Select An Open Source Vendor?

Open source software has made inroads to most of the industry verticals, and enterprises are aggressively adopting it because of its flexibility, scalability, and significant cost saving capability. But these alone cannot be the deciding factors while deploying business-critical open source projects; instead measuring the expertise and track record of the vendor with a degree […]
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content management system

Should we build a scalable website with[out] a CMS?

Today, the explosion in content creation is more than ever before with its growing role in marketing strategy & analysis, tapping new opportunities and reaching new prospects. Now, the way content is generated for different platforms for better web experiences is, obviously, bringing new challenges for enterprises in terms of quick content delivery with proper […]
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Why Choose PHP For Enterprise Web Development ?

PHP is an open source, server-side scripting language for building dynamic web applications. According to W3techs April 2011 report, PHP is used by 76.2% of all the websites whose server-side programming language is known. Today, PHP is the most popular dynamic language in use on the web, leaving behind ASP.NET and Java that have just […]
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