Telecom operators tend to view mobile marketing as a way not just to boost revenues but also to fund new digital services that will enrich their content offerings and reduce churn. What differentiates the incumbents from the rest is that they have access to invaluable, targeted customer data. Telecom operators need to partner with merchants to find innovative ways to monetize their greatest asset – rich subscriber data.
Successful telecom operators are already embedding new capabilities into their operating models to improve cost effectiveness, monetize subscriber data and partner with merchants and brands to unlock significant new revenue streams for operators. Here are some examples:
- Offer marketers and merchants powerful insights into how to segment and target customers
- Build large databases of qualified subscribers who have opted to receive offers and rewards from these marketers.
- Mobile payment services that allow customers to buy advertised products through their mobile account without having to provide sensitive personal financial information via the mobile internet.

Rupa is a former Happiest Mind and this content was created and published during her tenure.