Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Shashank Mishra

Data Security Service Provider for your Business

Choosing the Right Data Security Service Provider for your Business

Introduction With the increasing volume of sensitive data that businesses handle, data security has become an essential aspect of business operations. Data breaches can cause significant financial losses, damage to the company’s reputation, and legal consequences. Therefore, choosing the right data security service provider is a critical decision for any business. This blog guides businesses […]
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Artificial Intelligence

Influence of Artificial Intelligence on DLP

It will no longer be wrong to say that the world today belongs to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), given the multiple ways it has infiltrated our lives, either directly or indirectly. Until recently, most of the work was performed only by a human with training and specialized knowledge. Some A.I. use cases in our daily lives […]
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