Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Year: 2016

Risk and Compliance Monitoring in the Cloud

In today’s digital landscape, majority of an organization’s data is stored electronically; in fact a lot of organizations have started moving towards cloud technology to store data. Cloud computing over years has rapidly grown into a significant delivery method for IT besides being a key enabler for business development around the world. It offers cost […]
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Positioning for the Future: The New Digital Workplace

The rapid proliferation of smartphone, tablets and similar devices have changed how we manage our lives, both personally and professionally. Look around and you’ll see the devices that we’re using for our personal agendas are also widely used to get real-time insight driving business decisions. As the workplace becomes truly digital, employees today need such […]
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Identity and Access Management

Need for Digital Modernization in E-commerce Supplier On-boarding

Digital transformation is the fundamental driver for innovation and disruption in almost all the industry sectors including e-commerce. E-commerce space has grown beyond leaps and bounds with the widespread adoption of digital technologies and digital transformation trends. Apparently, the growth of e-commerce has impacted the way organizations do business and people consume it. E-commerce empowers […]
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Unified Compliance Management

The global business climate is always on a churn owing to various reasons. Sometimes it is technology, sometimes its politics at other times it geo-strategy. Whatever the reason be, laws and rules keep changing.  Regulation has become the order of the day. Every geographical region, Industry and business line has a different set of IT […]
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Identity and access management

Detection-Protection-Prevention – The Threat Defense Lifecycle

Cyber-attacks have become an everyday phenomenon today.  It is a menace that is growing with each passing day.  New types of threats are emerging and their average damage potential is also growing fast.  The average cost of a cyber-security/data breach is phenomenal and stands at approx. US $ 4 million in 2016. System and network […]
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Data breach and Cyber attacks

Data breaches and cyber-attacks are two terms that are increasingly making headlines in the world of Cyber security.  Cyber-attacks are made to create data breaches and there are very few data breaches without cyber-attacks.  The first has a causal relationship with the second. Let us quickly look at some of the top data breaches just […]
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Secure Your Enterprise: Detect, Analyze, and Respond to Threats

The magnitude of cyberattacks and their severity in terms of financial and reputational damage to organizations is increasing every year. A single cyber-security incident, on average, is now estimated to cost large businesses $861,000 and small and medium businesses (SMBs) $86,500.Organizations that were believed to possess the strongest defenses – from governments to large corporations […]
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How Proximity Marketing is Transforming The Retail Customer Experience

The online obsessed, mobile- addicted millennials are slowly back to the retail in- store environments. In other words, physical stores which lost their charm in the convenience offered by e-commerce is regaining its lost strength and is back on track. The retail landscape is one of the most celebrated industry verticals which has witnessed a […]
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Why Data Management Platform has Become a Necessity: Top 5 Reasons

Personalized Marketing has become an important marketing strategy for organizations. As per a recent survey, 86% of consumers say that personalization plays a major role in their purchase decisions. 94% of the marketers agree that personalization is important for meeting their current marketing objectives. But what is holding the marketers back? Legacy technology which is […]
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