Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Year: 2016

Cloud-Native Applications and the 12 Factor Design Methodology

If you have ever worked on designing and developing a cloud based application, you would know the complexity involved in the development process. It involves a lot of steps starting from managing codebases, injecting library dependencies, configuring system properties and leading into a proper production deployment at scale. If you are starting out to build a […]
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6 Things DAM Brings to the Table for Marketers!

Change is permeating businesses across industries. From adapting to customers’ desires to improving processes and technologies, it’s everywhere. Customers are demanding seamless digital experiences and consistency of message and content across all channels. On the other hand, business marketing stakeholders are seeking a robust platform that can streamline asset creation, content versions, manage marketing campaigns, […]
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Doing DevOps, the Right Way

In my previous posts, we have discussed the fundamentals of DevOps and how to overcome the challenges associated with software delivery. We have also explored the intrinsic benefits that organizations can expect in the long run. As most organizations have now embraced the importance of DevOps, it’s important to take a closer look at what goes […]
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A Ferrari, three blind men and DevOps

In a rapidly evolving digital world, businesses are moving at breakneck speeds and one upping each other to achieve the unicorn of customer delight. For a number of organizations, a large part of that equation boils down to accelerating the release of high quality software. A release every three months is now being replaced by […]
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Consumer Identity Management – 10 Key Things You Need To Know

Consumer Identity Management (CIM) or Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) is slowly becoming the core of modern Business because it allows businesses to create a single view of the customer, independent of how many systems are present.  This single view is very important when it comes to understanding the customer behavior, his purchase history, […]
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Identity and Access Management

Privileged Identity Management – Why We Need It?

In an organization’s IT environment, there are several user accounts.  Out of these, the “Super User accounts” are usually among the most important ones as they are used for System administration.  These accounts are also called root accounts, administrator, admin or supervisor accounts, service accounts, application accounts, emergency accounts and so on depending on the […]
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The Mindful Customer Centric Organization

“A mindful company is the one that offers the individuals, an environment to live in the moment and perform with a purpose; its customer, a trustworthy partnership that understands priorities and concerns; and the community, contributions as an empathetic corporate citizen.” – Ashok Soota Mindfulness has moved from eastern spirituality or philosophy into an organizational […]
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