Digital Transformation Blogs - Bigdata, IoT, M2M, Mobility, Cloud

Year: 2015

How SIEM Systems can Improve the Detection of Events of Interest

Currently, enterprise awareness on cyber threats is high, and organizations are investing considerably in security solutions and the latest security tools. Nonetheless, the rising incidence of high-profile and successful attacks clearly demonstrate the need for more effective threat detection and management of cyber threats. The primary reason that many solutions remain ineffectual against emerging threats […]
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The High Cost of False Positives to an Organization

Cyber security teams are under tremendous pressure to safeguard their IT infrastructure and business data against the escalating threat of breaches. Even as organizations increasingly look to automated security tools to deal with threats, the downside to these cannot be ignored—for they generate a high number of false positives. A false positive is a false […]
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Knowing Your Digital Customer – From Customer to Social to Digital MDM

Knowing your customer, and now every individual customer, is core to taking key decisions and developing strategies and improving products, etc. to directly or indirectly improve your top line or bottom line. In traditional Analytics, customers were segmented on various vectors and combinations like loyalty, usage, average revenue, life time value, visit frequency, etc. and […]
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Disruptive Technology Weekly Roundup – Jul 31st to Aug 4th

Formulating policies in unchartered terrain can be a sketchy initiative, considering varying demographics, disruptive technology travelling at the speed of light and shrinking PLC’s. It also gets increasingly challenging from an economical perspective with income inequality, national debts and recession. All of this would increase the interest rate on the horizon, making it harder to […]
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Strategic Priorities for Omnichannel Retailers over next 3 years

Stores remain the center of Action Experiential kiosks with augmented reality, interactive digital displays, digital signage, location based personalization, are multiple initiatives retailers are considering for 2015 and beyond Digital Advisory Sales Tools and technologies to equip associates with in-the moment 360-degree view on customer, enterprise level inventory information, mobile PoS and in-built intelligence to […]
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Park Smart, Start Now

With increasing vehicle size in the luxury segment and crunching parking space, traffic congestion is increasingly becoming an alarming concern in almost all major cities around the world. Burning about a million barrels of the world’s oil every day, and considering cities are turning urban without a well-planned, convenience-driven retreat from the cars, these problems […]
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Disruptive Technology Weekly Roundup – Jul 18th to Jul 22nd

Unlike before, technology conglomerates are not just focusing on digital transformation from an enterprise-strategy point of view, but are working backwards from gauging customer satisfaction, letting it drive their business initiatives. This is principally carried out through functions such as Personalized Product Recommendations,which is increasingly becoming imperative to enable customer engagement strategy with the goal […]
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The Growing Need For Enterprise Security

The coverage of enterprise security is constantly being redefined on account of globalization and blurring boundaries of Big Data. However, on a broad level, it still comprises of the four key disciplines of information security, business security, physical security and operational risk management.  According to estimates from Gartner, the information security spending is expected to […]
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